Pain + Bliss —— Culture of Resistance ——

Residenz Goethe Institut März-Mai 2023

Menschen sind zu den wundervollsten Dingen im Stande und gleichzeitig zu den größten Grausamkeiten.

HipHop, Jazz, Capoeira und vieles mehr sind aus dem Überlebenswillen von unterdrückten Menschen entstanden. Gleichzeitig sind diese Kunstformen Ausdruck der Freude und Liebe, die in uns allen wohnt.

Ist Leiden Voraussetzung für starke Kunst?

Ist die Ambivalenz des Menschen was uns ausmacht?

These questions may be complex, but they are thought-provoking and form the core of this video production.

During my two-month residency in Salvador de Bahia, I worked intensively on creating a captivating video.

If you haven't seen the video yet, I strongly encourage you to watch it. It offers a variety of perspectives that are as diverse as the people in this world. And that's exactly the beauty of it. My perspective is just one of many, a special and unique one, but still just one of many. That's why you should form your own opinion first before you find out what motivated me.

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