Multitudes Foundation: Strategic Workshop Berlin 2023

Die Multitudes Foundation lud zu einem Workshop mit inspirierenden politischen Entscheidungsträgern in Berlin ein. Ziel war es, gemeinsam Ideen für die Neugestaltung der Politik, die Förderung sinnvoller Verbindungen und die Entwicklung von Strategien zur Verbesserung der politischen Repräsentation zu erkunden.

The Multitudes Foundation hosted a workshop with inspiring policy makers in Berlin. The aim was to collectively explore ideas for reshaping policy, fostering meaningful connections and developing strategies to improve political representation.

The result was not only a heightened sense of motivation, but also a collective understanding that collective action is essential for a more inclusive, hopeful and humane politics.

Representation in political leadership is a key element in reshaping politics, and it starts with committed people who have the desire and conviction to join forces, strategize and effect change together.

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